
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Week 4: Thanksgiving

Theme: Thanksgiving
Vocabulary word: Autumn
Color: Lavendar
Nursery Rhyme:Lavender's Blue
Field Trip: Thanksgiving celebrations with family.

This week revolved around a lot of cooking lessons in the kitchen (we hosted a Thanksgiving meal) other highlights include;daily nature walks observing the change in season, making a Thanksgiving grocery list with pictures and pointing out what we needed in the grocery store, setting the table, making lavender spray for our curly hair, lavender play dough, a turkey hunt, and learning about what it means to be thankful.

This Sausage apple cranberry dressing is significant to our weekly lessons because A assisted in every step of making it. First and foremost he washed his hands, he kneaded the bread, broke it, and spread it on our on the baking sheet to toast it. He even helped stir the browning sausage, chop the onion and celery with a real chef knife, and pour the stock over the mixture. 

Can you say Luh-duh? Now say it over and over again in a falsetto voice and you might be able to pronounce the name of A's turkey.
These little hands have a great future ahead of them.

Perhaps those little hands have a future in Turkey farming because they sure did enjoy plucking Luh-duh Luh-duh Luh-duh Luh-duh Luh-duh Luh-duh. Luh-duh

The letter D is for,"Die Turkey, Die! I eats you for Thanksgiving om nom nom". Not. (True story, kid loooves birdies and won't eat them.)

In other news, the lavender mist is really helping the frizz!
 At this point in craft time Mama turns on Turkey In the Straw banjo interlude and the crowd goes wild.

Lessons in cleaning up before guests arrive are vital.

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